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Denne polstrede rygsektion (ryglæn, rygpude, pude) er et dekorativt og aftageligt element til en 160-skabsseng fra SMARTBett, model "Standard", som giver behagelig rygstøtte, mens du læser eller ser tv i sengen.
Farve: Gråmeleret
Form: Rektangulær
Produktemballage: 2 x rygpuder
Bredde: 2 x 85 cm
Højde: 60,5 cm
Dybde: 5 cm
Varens samlede vægt 14,5 kg
Einstufung (CLP): Der Stoff oder das Gemisch ist nicht gefährlich gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 (CLP).
This document is not required by any import regulations, it is voluntarily issued
It is guaranteed that EGGER Products and packing/securing material are free of any kind of harmful wood pests according to FAO-IPPC-ISPM 15.
Henkelstraße 67 40589 Düsseldorf Germany
with the organizational units/sites as listed in the annex has implemented and maintains an Environmental Management System.
Henkelstraße 67 40589 Düsseldorf Germany
with the organizational units/sites as listed in the annex has implemented and maintains an Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
RITZ EGGER GmbH und CO. OG Weiberndorf 20 AT - 6380 St. Johan in Tirol
FSC Chain-of-Custody This certificate is valid from 1 Oktober 2019 until 30 September 2024
This certificate confirms that the Classic and Standard bed models conform to safety requirements in accordance with EN 1129-1:1995.
This certificate confirms that the M1 bed model conform to safety requirements in accordance with EN 1129-1:1995.